
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Maya Alkalay (your medic) Says Goodbye for Now

My dear American friends…
10 days ago I thought I was just going to be a medic in a trip called “Taglit” and guard some stupid American students that are “living in a movie” (it’s a Hebrew “slang”) and now, after I got to know you guys I can truly say that I Love You! You touched my heart! It was an amazing trip for me and it is all because of you (and of course because of Nahi’c the other medic … not really)
you are more then welcome to visit me next time you’ll be in Israel and if not you can just add me to your Facebook!
So… Toda Raba, I won’t forget you, now that I have 40 new American friends… hugs and kisses from me and my gun…
Maya Alkalay – your medic !
My E-mail address:
p.s – Jordan (Meir) don’t forget to “bring the light” and to diluteeeeeee it

This trip to Israel has been the most amazing experience of my life. Being able to relate so quickly to almost everyone on our bus was something I never expected. Having the Campus Entrepreneur (CEI) students on this trip made that possible. Their outgoing personalities and welcoming dispositions made it very easy to open up and become the close knit group that we are now. Coming into this trip I knew only one person and was nervous that I would end up clinging to her the entire time. As soon as people began arriving into JFK airport those fears were alleviated. She quickly introduced me to the CEI students she worked with and instantly a bond seemed to form and everyone settled in a large circle and we talked about anything and everything. From that point on I knew I would be able to make new and lasting friendships. Our entire bus just seems at ease with everyone. Our clothes are being shared; we talk about our pasts and personal lives and plans being made to get together back at school. They have taught me not to hide my Jewish heritage. I cannot wait to go back home, down to South Carolina and wear my Jewish star. I know now that when people ask me what church I belong to I can proudly say I don’t have one and I am Jewish. There is no reason to hide that piece of my life anymore and this experience and the voice of reason from the CEI students has proved that to me. Within these short 10 days we have become a large family that has had one of the most remarkable experiences of our lives and being able to share it with these people that I can now truly call some of my best friends has made it that much better.
Alex Hall

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